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1150 онлайн-курсов от лучших университетов мира

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Мы так давно не делились с вами подборками курсов, что решили возместить всё и сразу. И вот вам 1150 способов получить новые знания в очень удобном формате. Выбор точно есть всегда 🙂

Archaeology Courses

  • Hannibal – Free iTunes Audio – Patrick Hunt, Stanford
  • Introduction to Near Eastern Art and Archaeology – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Dana D. DePietro, Margaret Larkin, UC Berkeley
  • Out of the Past – Free Online Video – David Webster and William T. Sanders, Penn State

Architecture Courses

  • Architecture Studio: Building in Landscapes (Video) – Free iTunes Video – Course Web Site – Jan Wampler, MIT
  • History of Architecture – Free iTunes Video – Jacqueline Gargus, Ohio State
  • Roman Architecture – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Free Video & Course Infos – Diana E. E. Kleiner, Yale
  • Structures 2 – Free iTunes Video – Peter von Buelow, University of Michigan
  • Theory of City Form – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Julian Beinart, MIT

Art & Art History Courses

  • Aesthetics & the Philosophy of Art – Free iTunes Audio – Free Online Video – James Grant, Oxford University
  • Art Through Time: A Global View – Free Online Video – Annenberg Media
  • Exposing Digital Photography – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video & Course Materials – Dan Armendariz, Harvard
  • Foundations of American Cyber-Culture – Free Online Video – UC Berkeley
  • Introduction to Visual Studies – Free iTunes iOS App – Anna pinsky, Penn State
  • Introduction to Visual Thinking – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – John McNamara, UC Berkeley
  • Let This Be a Lesson: Heroes, Heroines & Narrative in Paintings at Yale – Free Online Video – John Walsh, Yale
  • Lighting Essentials – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Simon McIntyre, The University of New South Wales
  • Photography – Free Online Video – Free iTunes App – Jonathan Worth & Matt Johnston at Coventry University
  • SmARThistory Video Lectures – Free Online Video/Audio – Beth Harris, MoMA & Steven Zucker, Pratt Institute
  • The Elements of Drawing – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Stephen Farthing, Oxford University

Classics Courses

  • Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (Syllabus) – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – David O’Connor, Notre Dame
  • Ancient Greece: City and Society – Free iTunes Audio – La Trobe University, Australia
  • Ancient Greece: Myth, Art & War – Free iTunes Audio – Dr Gillian Shepherd, La Trobe University – Australia
  • Ancient Greek History – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – iTunes Video – Free Video & Course Materials – Donald Kagan, Yale
  • Ancient Israel – Free Online Video & Course Info – Free Online Video – Daniel Fleming, NYU
  • Ancient Philosophy – Free iTunes Audio – Free Online Audio – David Ebrey, UC Berkeley
  • Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love (Syllabus) – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – David O’Connor, Notre Dame
  • Classical Mythology – Free iTunes Video – Joseph Hughes, Missouri State
  • Classical Mythology – Free iTunes Audio – Rhiannon Evans, La Trobe University -Australia
  • Epics of Rome – Free iTunes Video – Rhiannon Evans, LaTrobe University-Australia
  • Hannibal – Free iTunes Audio – Patrick Hunt, Stanford
  • Roman Architecture – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Course Materials – Diana E. E. Kleiner, Yale
  • The Roman World – Free iTunes Video – Rhiannon Evans, La Trobe University – Australia
  • The Heroic and the Anti-Heroic in Classical Greek Civilization – Multiple Formats – Gregory Nagy, Harvard
  • Virgil’s Aeneid: Anatomy of a Classic – Free iTunes Audio – Suanna Braund, Stanford University

Demography Courses

  • American Immigrant Experience – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Carl Mason, UC Berkeley
  • Demographic Trends and Problems of the Modern World – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – David Coleman, Oxford

Design Courses

  • Cars: Past, Present & Future – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Michael Shanks, Stanford
  • Everything I Know – Free Online Video – Buckminster Fuller

Economics Courses

  • Advanced Political Economy – Free Online Video – Steven Keen, University of Western Sydney
  • Against All Odds: Inside Statistics – Free Online Video – Pardis Sabeti, Harvard
  • American Capitalism: A History – Free iTunes Video – Louis Hyman & Edward Baptist, Cornell
  • American Economic History (Syllabus) – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Martha Olney, UC Berkeley
  • American Economic History (Syllabus)- Free Online Video – Gerald Friedman, UMass-Amherst
  • Austrian Economics: An Introduction – Free Online Audio – Murray N. Rothbard – New York Polytechnic University
  • Behavioral Finance – Free Online Video – Steven Keen, University of Western Sydney
  • Capitalism: Success, Crisis and Reform – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free Online Video – Course Materials – Douglas W. Rae, Yale
  • Case Studies in Economic Development – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Edward Andrew Miguel, UC Berkeley
  • Crisis, Globalization and Economics – Free Online Video – Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Harvard
  • Development Economics – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabarrok, George Mason
  • Development Economics: Macroeconomics – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video & Course Info – Robert Townsend, MIT
  • Economic Analysis-Micro – Free iTunes Audio – Steven Wood, UC Berkeley
  • Economic Geography of the Industrial World – Free iTunes Audio – Richard Walker, UC Berkeley.
  • Economic History of the Soviet Union – Free Online Video – Guinevere Liberty Nell,Marginal Revolution U.
  • Economic Statistics and Econometrics – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Glenn Woroch, UC Berkeley
  • Economics of the Media – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabarrok, George Mason
  • Energy Decisions, Markets and Policies – Free iTunes Video – Course Info – Richard Schmalensee, MIT
  • Environmental Economics – Free iTunes Audio – David Zilberman, UC Berkeley
  • Finance Theory 1 – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video & Course Info – Andrew Lo, MIT
  • Financial Markets – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Course Materials – Robert Shiller, Yale
  • Financial Markets 2011 – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Course Materials – Robert Shiller, Yale
  • Financial Theory – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Course Materials – John Geanakoplos, Yale
  • Game Theory – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Course Materials – Ben Polak, Yale
  • Game Theory in the Social Sciences – Free iTunes Video – Yves Zenou, UC Berkeley
  • Game Theory and Economics – Free Online Video – Free Video Download – Debarshi Das, IIT Guwahati
  • Global Poverty and Impact Evaluation – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Edward Miguel, UC Berkeley
  • Great Big Ideas – Free Online Video – Steven Pinker, Larry Summers, Michio Kaku, etc, Floating University
  • Great Economists: Classical Economics and its Forerunners – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan & Alex Tabarrok, George Mason
  • History of Economic Theory – Free Online Video – Free Video Download – Dr. Shivakumar, IIT Madras
  • Intermediate Microeconomic Theory – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Maximilian Auffhammer, UC Berkeley
  • International Finance – Free Online Video – Free Video Download – Arun K. Misra, IIT Kharagpur
  • International Political Economy – Free iTunes Audio – James Morrison, Middlebury College
  • International Trade – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Steven Wood, UC Berkeley
  • International Trade – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabarrok, George Mason
  • Introduction to Economics – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Syllabus – Martha Olney, UC Berkeley
  • Introduction to Environmental Economics and Policy – Free Online Video – Free Online Video 2 – Peter Berck, UC Berkeley
  • Law and Economics I – Free iTunes Audio – Robert Cooter, UC Berkeley
  • Lectures on Human Capital – Free Online Video – Gary Becker, U Chicago
  • Marxian Economics – Free Online Video – Stephen Resnick, UMass – Amherst
  • Mexico’s Economy: Current Prospects and History – Free Online Video – Robin Grier, U. of Oklahoma
  • Microeconomic Theory with Application to Natural Resources – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Calanit Kamala, UC Berkeley
  • Money and Banking (Syllabus) – Free Online Video – Gerald Epstein, UMass-Amherst
  • Money and Banking – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Thomas Wyrick, Missouri State
  • Money, Trade and Society – Free iTunes Video – Thomas Wyrick, Missouri State
  • Poker Theory and Analytics – Free Multiple Formats – Kevin Desmond, MIT
  • Political Economy After the Crisis – Free Online Video – Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Harvard
  • Principles of Economics: Microeconomics – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabarrok, George Mason/MRUniversity
  • Principles of Microeconomics – Free iTunes Video – Free Video – Jonathan Gruber, MIT
  • Principles of Macroeconomics – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Thomas Wyrick, Missouri State
  • Principles of Macroeconomics – Free iTunes Audio – Ann Stevens, UC Davis
  • Psychology and Economics – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Daniel Acland, UC Berkeley
  • Public Economics – Free Online Video – Free Video & Related Materials – Raj Chetty, Harvard
  • Public Economics and Finance – Free Video & Course Info – Free Online Video – Nirupama Rao, NYU
  • Radical Capitalism – Free iTunes Audio – William Kline, University of Illinois-Springfield
  • Reading Marx’s Capital: Vol 1 – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Free Video & Related Materials – David Harvey, City University of New York
  • Reading Marx’s Capital: Vol 2 – Free Online Video – David Harvey, City University of New York
  • Sports Economics – Free iTunes Audio – Liam Lenten, La Trobe University
  • The Eurozone Crisis – Free Online Video – Tyler Cowan and Alex Tabarrok, George Mason
  • The Federal Reserve and the Financial Crisis – Free Online Video – Ben Bernanke at George Washington University
  • The Austrian School of Economics: An Introduction – Free Online Audio: 1, 2, 3, 4 – Friedrich A. Hayek & colleagues – Recorded at University of Colorado
  • The Challenge of World Poverty – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Related Materials – Esther Duflo & Abhijit Banerjee, MIT
  • The Elements of Economic Analysis – Free Online Video – Glen Weyl, U Chicago
  • World Economic History Before the Industrial Revolution – Free Online Video & Syllabus – Free iTunes Video – Gregory Clark, UC Davis
  • World Economy in the 20th Century – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Calanit Kamala, UC Berkeley

Film Courses

  • Existentialism in Literature & Film – Free iTunes – Free Online Audio – Hubert Dreyfus, UC Berkeley
  • Creative Activism – Free iTunes Audio – Peter Woodbridge, Coventry University
  • Holocaust in Film and Literature – Free Online Video – Todd Presner, UCLA
  • Introduction to Film Studies – Free Online Video – Free Video Download – Aysha Iqbal Viswamohan, IIT Madras
  • Philosophy in Film and Other Media – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Related Materials – Irving Singer, MIT
  • The Film Experience – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Related Materials – David Thorburn, MIT
  • Western Movies: Myth, Ideology, Genre – Free iTunes Video – Richard Slotkin, Wesleyan

Food Courses

  • Child Nutrition and Cooking – Free Online Video – Maya Adam, Stanford
  • Edible Education 101 (Spring 2014) – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Michael Pollan, UC Berkeley
  • Edible Education 103 with Michael Pollan – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Free Online Video 2 – Michael Pollan, UC Berkeley
  • Food and the Environment – Free iTunes Audio – Free Online Audio – Nathan Sayre, UC Berkeley
  • Food Production, Public Health, and the Environment – Free Online Videos & Materials – Bob Lawrence and Polly Walker, Johns Hopkins
  • Nutrition Education for Cancer Prevention – Free iTunes Video – Iowa State, Dr. Ruth MacDonald
  • Organic Agriculture Theory and Practice – Free iTunes Video – Iowa State, Kathleen Delate
  • Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Course Info – Team taught, Harvard
  • Speak Italian with Your Mouth Full – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Course Info – Dr. Paola Rebusco, MIT
  • Wine – Free Online Video – UC Davis

Geography Courses

  • Economic Geography of the Industrial World – Free iTunes Audio – Richard Walker, UC Berkeley
  • Food and the Environment – Free iTunes Audio – Nathan Sayre – UC Berkeley
  • Geography of US Presidential Elections – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video – Martin Lewis, Stanford
  • Geography of Europe – Free iTunes Audio – Arizona State
  • Geography of World Cultures – Free iTunes Audio – Martin Lewis, Stanford University
  • Geopolitics: Geographical Aspects of International Affairs – iTunes Video – Erinn Nicley, University of Illinois-Springfield
  • Global Geopolitics – Free iTunes Audio – Martin Lewis, Stanford University
  • Globalization – Free iTunes Audio – Robert Acker, UC Berkeley
  • Introduction to Ozark Studies – Free Online Video – Brooks Blevins, Missouri State
  • World Regions, Peoples, and States – Free Online Audio – Nathan Sayre, UC Berkeley

History Courses

  • A Tale of Three Super Powers – Free iTunes Video – Joseph Huges, Missouri State
  • African American History: Emancipation to the Present – Free Online Video – Course Materials – Jonathan Holloway, Yale
  • African-American History: Modern Freedom Struggle – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Clay Carson, Stanford
  • American Economic History (Syllabus) – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Martha Olney, UC Berkeley
  • American Economic History (Syllabus) – Free Online Video – Gerald Friedman, UMass-Amherst
  • Ancient Greece: City and Society – Free iTunes Audio – Dr Gillian Shepherd, La Trobe University, Australia
  • Ancient Greece: Myth, Art & War – Free iTunes Audio – Dr Gillian Shepherd, La Trobe University, Australia
  • Ancient Greek History – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Course Materials – Donald Kagan, Yale
  • Ancient Israel – Free Online Video & Resources – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Daniel Fleming, NYU
  • Asia in the Modern World: Images & Representations – Free Online Video & Course Info – John Dower, MIT
  • Australian Aboriginal History – Free iTunes Audio – Richard Broome, La Trobe University
  • Ben Franklin and the World of the Enlightenment – Free iTunes Audio – Bruce Thompson, Stanford/UC Santa Cruz
  • Big History – Free Online Video – David Christian, Macquarie University
  • China: Traditions and Transformations – Free Course in Multiple Formats – Peter K. Bol & William Kirby, Harvard
  • Colonial and Revolutionary America – Free iTunes Audio – Jack Rakove, Stanford
  • Constitutional Convention – Free iTunes Video – University of Oklahoma – Kevin Butterfield, Paul Gilje
  • Economic History of the Soviet Union – Free Online Video – Guinevere Liberty Nell,Marginal Revolution U.
  • Early Imperial Russia – Free iTunes Audio – Adrian Jones, La Trobe University, Australia
  • Early Modern England: Politics, Religion & Society under the Tudors and Stuarts – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Course Materials – Keith E. Wrightson, Yale
  • Early Modern Germany – Free iTunes Audio – David Wetzel, UC Berkeley
  • Emperors of Rome – Free iTunes Audio – Rhiannon Evans, La Trobe University, Australia
  • Epidemics in Western Society Since 1600 – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free Online Video – Course Materials – Frank Snowden, Yale
  • Ethnic Relations in the US – Free iTunes Audio – Arizona State
  • Europe in the 19th Century – Free iTunes Audio – David Wetzel, UC Berkeley
  • Europe and the World: Wars, Empires, Nations 1648-1914 – Free Online Audio – Free iTunes Audio – David Wetzel, UC Berkeley
  • European Civilization, 1648-1945 – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Audio – Free iTunes Video – Course Materials – John Merriman, Yale
  • European Civilization from Renaissance to Present – Free iTunes Audio – Carla Hesse, UC Berkeley
  • European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Thomas Laqueur, UC Berkeley
  • European Cultural History, 1500-1815 – Free Online Audio – George Mosse, University of Wisconsin- Madison
  • European Cultural History, 1660-1870 – Free Online Audio – George Mosse, University of Wisconsin- Madison
  • European Cultural History, 1880-1920 – Free Online Audio – George Mosse, University of Wisconsin- Madison
  • France Since 1871 – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Course Materials – John Merriman, Yale
  • Freedom 101: Introduction to American Constitutional History – Free iTunes iOS course – U. of Oklahoma
  • Hannibal – Free iTunes Audio – Patrick Hunt, Stanford
  • Harvey Goldberg Lectures (1975-1983) – Free Online Audio – Harvey Goldberg, University of Wisconsin
  • Historical Jesus – Free iTunes Audio – Thomas Sheehan, Stanford University
  • History of Anthropological Thought – Free iTunes Audio – Rosemary Joyce, UC Berkeley
  • History and Practice of Human Rights – Free Online Video – Free Video 2 – Free iTunes Video – Free iTunes Audio – Thomas Laqueur
  • History of Information – Free Online Video – Free iTunes Video – Free Online Video 2 – Geoffrey D. Nunberg, Paul Duguid, UC Berkeley
  • History of Iran to the Safavid Period – Free iTunes Audio – Richard Bulliet, Columbia University
  • History of the Culture of Tea in China and Japan – Free iTunes Audio – John Wallace, UC Berkeley
  • History of the International System – Free iTunes Audio – James Sheehan, Stanford University
  • History of MIT – Web – David Mindell and Merritt Roe Smith, MIT
  • History of the Modern Middle East – Free iTunes Audio – Richard Bulliet, Columbia University
  • History of New York City: A Social History (Syllabus)–
