Как пройти собеседование на английском: вопросы и ответы

1. Tell me about yourself
После приветствия, рукопожатия и знакомства следующее, о чём вероятно, попросят вас интервьюеры, – рассказать о себе.
Это может показаться легким – рассказ о себе вы и со школы-то помните, но они не хотят слышать каждую деталь. Избегайте фраз по типу: I was born in Kyiv. I love playing the computer and playing basketball. Или: I have two brothers. Работодатель не хочет знать все о вас. Его интересует ваш карьерный рост, образование; то в вашей жизни, что потенциально связано с вакансией, на которую вы претендуете.
Пример хорошего ответа:
I work as a hotel manager for about 3 years, I was in charge of settling people by numbers. I have always been interested in managing apartment spaces. I studied at ******* College, where I got a diploma in hotel management.
2. What are your strengths?
Выберите те свои положительные качества, которые больше всего удовлетворяют требования вакансии. Далее важно не просто перечислить список положительных качеств, но и проиллюстрировать их полезное применение в контексте карьеры.
Пример хорошего ответа:
- To be punctual
I’m quite a punctual person. I always come on time and finish my work before the deadline. At my previous work, time had its value, and I made sure that everything I did was completed at the proper time. That’s why my work was always respected and well paid.
- To be a team-player
I constitute myself as a team-player. I get along well with other people and I find that it’s more productive to work as a solid team to achieve common goals.
- To be ambitious
I’m quite ambitious. I have always set myself targets and it gave me reasons to make best efforts. I view my career as a constant improvement and development process so now I am looking for new challenging tasks.
- To take initiative
Since my childhood I used to be self-motivated. It transferred to my working days. If there is a task which I need to do, I just do it without extra reminders or unnecessary questions. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
- To be proactive
I’m proactive. I see things as tasks, not as problems. I am into observing results from the work i perform and always trying to approach tasks with creative strategy of solving the problem.
- To keep your cool
In my opinion it’s of crucial importance to be able to remain calm when working as a doctor. I am capable of staying calm even if it gets really stressful/ That helps me to achieve set goals.
ПОМНИТЕ: важно подкреплять свои положительные качества убедительными примерами. Некоторые работодатели не станут напрямую спрашивать вас о сильных сторонах, но могут задать наводящие на это вопросы :
- On your opinion, why should we hire you?
- Why do you think you’re the best fit for this job?
- What can we expect from you?
- What qualities set you apart from other applicants?
3. What are your weaknesses?
Неловкий вопрос, если только вы не готовились на него отвечать.У всех есть слабости! HR просто хочет проверить, насколько вы самокритичны и стрессоустойчивы.
Лайфхак: расскажите о своих слабостях. Правду говорить легко и просто. Но! Упомяните, как вы героически-стоически их преодолевайте.
Например: I have developed time-management skills, which allow me to list all my duties and organize my deadlines so I am more focused on things that need to be done.
Еще одна уловка, которую советуют использовать – превратите свой якобы недостаток в излишний перфекционизм.
Например: Sometimes it takes me more time to accomplish my tasks compared to others because I want to meet highest standards. Sometimes I double or triple-check documents and files to make sure everything is accurate (correct).
4. Why did you leave your last job?
Если вы подаете заявление на первую работу, этот вопрос не для вас. Однако если вы работали раньше, интервьюер хочет выяснить, почему вы оставили свою прежнюю работу.
Did you leave because you were fired? (Прошлый босс уволил вас за проступок?). Did you quit? (Вы по какой-то причине уволились?) Were you laid off? (Вас сократили?)
Вот как вы можете ответить:
- I feel I had no opportunity to prove myself.
- I’m looking for a job where I can use my knowledge for the common cause.
- I am looking for a job where I will be valued as an employee.
- I hold interest in a position with a solid company where I will have space for growth and an opportunity for advancement.
- I moved from another city because of the unsuitable climate, so I had to change my job.
- I was looking for a new challenging project. There wasn’t no space for growth with my previous boss.
- This position is suitable for my knowledge and skills, on the previous position I was unable to take full advantage of them.
5. Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Опять же, этот вопрос связан с вашей карьерой, а не с вашей личной жизнью. Так что если в списке есть семья, не упоминайте об этом. Будьте осторожны: вы должны быть амбициозны, но НЕ слишком, так как собеседники могут воспринимать вас как угрозу.
Воспользуйтесь следующими фразами:
- By then I will have…I would have liked to…
- Improved my skills
- Created more of a name for myself in the industry.
- Become more independent in what I do and more efficien.
- Enhanced (improved) my knowledge.
- Achieved a higher position.
- Become a team leader…
Пример удачного ответа:
In my view the next few years here at WWW are an opportunity to gain the skills and experience to run one of the departments in this company. In case I continue working in the department, I strive to be a senior manager and take part in shaping the strategic plans for development in B2C sales and marketing.